Vi for Victory – Book Group Questions

- How might Vi have felt when she found out that Billy was alive six months after being notified of his death?
- Is the media any better at providing a complete picture of events now than it was in 1916?
- Is Government propaganda acceptable?
- Have the lessons from the flu pandemic of 1918 taught us anything for the Covid-19 situation?
- It was seen as a fact of life that men earned more than women for the same job. How much have times changed and has the problem been resolved?
- Should Vi and Billy have reported the theft from the shop to the police?
- How difficult is it for us to comprehend the numbers of men who lost their lives in WW1? What impact would that have had on life at home?
- Was it right that men returning from the war were reinstated in their old jobs at the expense of the women who held them during the war years?
- How did the FA justify its actions in stopping women’s football being played in members’ stadiums and were those the real reasons?
- It took the Football Association fifty years to remove the ban, has women’s football fully recovered?
If you think of other good questions on Vi for Victory then please feel free to email them to me.