Dear Jeffrey Archer, I’m sorry!
Now prejudice is a dreadful thing and one that I don’t condone in any form. On that basis the following probably totally serves me right.
For years I have disliked Jeffrey Archer. It’s totally unfounded as I have never met the man and have only based by reaction on media coverage, which I am the first to admit is not always either fair or rational. I vowed I would not read books by him as I didn’t wish to line his pockets. Then the problems started.

Clifton Chronicles
Firstly, Audible offered me the opening book in the Clifton Chronicles for free. I get through so many books that it seemed like a good idea and of course I still wasn’t giving him any money. Oh woe is me. I discovered that Jeffrey Archer is a very good writer. He weaves solid, believable characters with depth and a story line that will have you hooked from the outset. He is also the master of leaving you on a cliff-hanger, which was my downfall. I simply had to buy the next in the series… and the next… and the next…
Shared Readership
If I could have stopped there I might have been able to condone my behaviour, but alas the problem ran much deeper. I have recently been learning about how best to use advertising on Amazon to extend the range of people who are finding and enjoying my writing. In order to do this you put in a list of words people might use in searching for a book and who might then like to consider yours. It turns out that readers of Jeffery Archer’s novels are also likely to be the ones most interested in my novel ‘The Appearance of Truth’. I am now shamelessly taking advantage of this fact in the hope that even a small fraction of his readers will go on to buy my books too.
There is nothing else for it but to adjust my views and so, Dear Jeffrey Archer, I take it all back (well most of it) and I’m now a fan of your writing and delighted that others of your fans are finding my own writing.
(ps if you have not read The Appearance of Truth then you can find it HERE)
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