Of course, typing ‘The End’ on the first draft of a book is not the end of the process, but it is a major cause of celebration. Yesterday, I typed those immortal words on the next in The Tales of Flynn and Reilly. For those of you who keep asking me ‘What happens next?’ the […]
What a rollercoaster!
Well bringing out The Blight and the Blarney has led to an amazing rollercoaster of a ride that I was not expecting. I’m offering the ebook for free to give people the chance to try my writing. Yesterday, I saw the effect of it starting to chart on Amazon. And once it started there was […]
Embers of the Day
Embers of the Day is a collection of twenty short stories by Rosemary J. Kind
Top Ten UK Pet Blogs
Alfie’s Diary named one of UK’s top Pet Blogs for the second year running
Being Katniss Everdeen
Being Katniss Everdeen Reality is not always a pretty place to live. Day to day life can be mundane or in some cases very difficult and we all find different ways to deal with that. Some people lose themselves in the bottom of a tumbler of whiskey and others become addicted to computer games, losing […]
From Story Idea to Reader
From Story Idea to Reader is the writing guide which Patsy Collins and I have written together. You can find out more about it here.
How did Alfie’s Woods come about?
The story of how Alfie’s Woods came to be written
Why did I start writing Alfie’s Diary?
The story behind top ten UK Pet Blog Alfie’s Diary,
How I Became a Writer
The beginnings of how I became a writer – Rosemary J. Kind
The Appearance of Truth – how it all began
An explanation of where the idea for The Appearance of Truth came from